• PEI

Turkey Donation to Manitoba’s Interlake Region

Manitoba Turkey Producers and Exceldor Cooperative Donate over 275 Turkeys to Five Food Banks

Organizations band together to bring the holiday spirit to local Interlake region communities

WINNIPEG, December 14, 2021 – To help ensure that as many people as possible get to enjoy this holiday season, Manitoba Turkey Producers and Exceldor Cooperative have come together to donate over 275 turkeys to food banks in rural Manitoba communities across the Interlake region.

Turkeys were donated to five food banks and Cheer Boards across the Interlake region: Interlake Food Bank in Stonewall, Evergreen Basic Needs in Gimli, Teulon & District Food Bank & Teulon Cheer Board, Selkirk Food Bank, and Riverton & District Friendship Centre. Turkey donations took place on December 8th and 9th, 2021 at each food bank, just in time as Manitobans start to plan their holiday meals.

“With many of our producers operating right here in the Interlake region, this community has always been a great supporter of Manitoba-raised turkeys,” said Rachelle Brown, Chair of Manitoba Turkey Producers. “We want to give back to the community that we are so thankful for, and we hope this contribution helps those in need celebrate the holidays.”

“There is no better time than now to give back to our community,” says Darcy Balance, Director of Sales in Manitoba. “We’re proud to provide this support to local food banks who are helping the many families and individuals across Manitoba who have been greatly impacted by the results of the pandemic.”

In addition to this donation, Manitoba Turkey Producers has made several charitable contributions in the past under The Wishbone Project, an umbrella for giving by Turkey Farmers. Contributions in 2020 have included a $10,000 donation of frozen turkeys to rural Manitoba food banks and $3,125 in funds to the Siloam Mission. To date, The Wishbone Project has donated over $250,000 through funds and food to help support those in need and organizations fighting food insecurity on a national and local level.


About Manitoba Turkey Producers

The Manitoba Turkey Producers Board was established in 1968 under the Natural Products Marketing Act. Representing 51 farm families across the province, our farmers take great pride in producing and supplying the highest quality turkey for Manitobans. Manitoba Turkey Producers operates under a supply management system, with turkeys being raised year-round in Manitoba and the average farm producing 7,000 turkeys, three times a year.


About Exceldor Cooperative

Exceldor is a cooperative of 400 members whose mission is to provide poultry that can be served with pride. Headquartered in Lévis (Québec), the organization divides production between its Quebec plants in Saint-Anselme, Saint-Damase, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville and Saint-Agapit as well as in Hanover, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba. Exceldor also co-owns four other companies operating mainly in the poultry sector, namely Viandes Lacroix Inc., Unidindon, and Volailles Giannone in Quebec, and Golden Valley in Ontario. Exceldor markets products under several brands, including Exceldor, Butterball, Lacroix and Granny’s.


Photo: From left to right, Rachelle Brown, Chair of Manitoba Turkey Producers, Amy, Teulon Christmas Cheer Board, and Amanda, Teulon Christmas Cheer Board